
Check if your computer is a zombie

There are many threats in the cyber world from which the computers have to be protected. Hence computer security has become very important when it comes to dealing with the computers. Computers are used in many fields now where they use them to store their confidential information. Also internet is a place through which many transactions take place. Internet is the place from which the threats come and find home into your system. If you are connected to a network with many others PC’s, the infected ones can easily deliver you the infections. All this can results in worst condition like loss of data, frauds, system crash, etc.

Zombie is one such threat against which the computers must be secured. Many times your computer does not show any abnormal behavior like corrupting files or deleting information but would show all your confidential information to some others to which you are connected. Such a computer is termed as a zombie in computer science language. The zombie would get compromised with a hacker on the internet to do whatever he says. This can be done using the Trojan horses to perform any tasks on some other computers. This means unauthentic access and the user is completely unaware of it. Botnets of these zombies are used to spread emails and spam on the network which can later be used to launch attacks like the denial of service attack. The users are not known about their situation and hence they are termed as zombies which mean something done without self awareness. McAfee antivirus is the best tool to prevent zombie in your computer. You can always use a McAfee coupon code to get the cheapest price.

The botnets are the main base of making a zombie. The bots means a malware type which helps the attackers to completely control the infected computers. The computers are known as zombies that are infected by the bots. There are nearly thousands of the computers over the networks which are affected by the bots. The attackers can easily gain the list of all such computers and they can launch the denial of service attacks to activate them. If anybody tries to trace the hacker by attacking in return then they would find a victim and not the real attacker. This is the benefit to the attackers that they can attack any computer without the fear to get caught. More details:

The bots are good in some ways to your computer like they hide certain things of your system by not showing them to the others. Means if you find something wring going into your PC then you can instantly stop it. Also their file names and process names are similar to the other system file names which mean no difference is made with them. You can identify the zombie in your computer by some of the symptoms. Is you think that your computer is getting slower day by day or getting crashed often for no reason then you need to check for some malware program running in your computer without your knowledge. To get control over it you need to scan your entire system using some of the latest antivirus systems. You can also add firewall to your system to keep it away from all such problems.